Hi peeps

Hi folks, the name is Abby and proudly 20 this year :) well that's all you need to noe bout me i guess, well thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

End of 2nd semester

yeahh folks, dah nak habis sem 2 dah ni. there's a lot of things happen lately. college's, friends, housemates, family semua ada ah. firstly kt hostel tu macam2 story ada, semua pasal hantu. haishh seram dah nak stay kt hostel tu. planning dgn housemate yg lain macam nak move on je. tp tk sure lg, kadang2 dorang ni cakap mmg melayu sikit. haha. tu lah kan, hmm. sebab sape yg boleh nmpk tu dia ckp ah kt ampaian ada, kt bilik kiteorg pun ada. tp benda alah tu yg paling kuat kt bilik tengah. bilik kecik ngn nurul. hmm aku dgn ainun dah takut dah sebab ada satu night tu macam lain macam je. shasha pun dah macam berjinak2 nk join aku ni. lol. ntah lah tk tahu nk comment ape dah. nanti ah kiteorg discuss. so far ni takde ape lg nk share. pnjng sgt lah nanti. post lg esok ye. byee :)

Take it easy, Abby

it's too private to share it here. sorry yeahh. i'm not sure what i'm gonna tell you guys bout this. sh** maybe later okayy. bye then.