Hi peeps

Hi folks, the name is Abby and proudly 20 this year :) well that's all you need to noe bout me i guess, well thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nothing much..

Sometimes I just wish that boys could trade places with girls so they would know it feels and sensitive we are.
I wanted everything to stay the same but feelings fade and people change. I am change. You are change. We are change. Things change and friends leave and life doesn't stop for anybody. It's a fact. Hmm life is too short to be sad, right? So just stay cool and chill out. The world is so mean and unfair. Sometimes I wish the world will listen to me and being what i want even just for a while. This is reality. So I have to face it by myself. For me, being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. Nothing is perfect. Nothing.. and I had enough.

I have learned..

I have loved
I have lied
I have hurt
I have lost
I have missed
I have trusted
I have made mistakes
most of all..
I have learned.

Yes, I have learned..