Hi peeps

Hi folks, the name is Abby and proudly 20 this year :) well that's all you need to noe bout me i guess, well thanks for reading :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011


abby, just be urself. proud of urself. abby, u're so good, u're what u're. abby, u're not sick. u're unhappy lately. abby, make ur life easier than the previous one.

wish me luck.


hmm new year isnt it? i'm goin to be 19 this year, lol. ohh forgot! hello people :) Happy New Year! this month i got a lots of quizes, assignments and presentations. its annoyed me. actually ive been thinkin bout my life. nowdays its kinda harsh for me to handle any kinds of situations or problems. i always got pissed off to everyone. its like no manner in my life. what did happen to me actually? i cant be patient, i cant get long with my boy, my friends. its just not me! im not being myself lately. theres no one can understand me. for god sake, i really miss the old times. someone, please make me awake from this WTH situation. thanks.